Submit Required Documents for SV Program Dog Entries

Currently 1814 dogs have uploaded 6,401 documents

You can use this screen to view any documents already onfile for your dog.  If any are missing, you can submit them now, and they will be available when you use the online entry form for any event using the associated online entry form.  For Privacy purposes, you can see what type and when the documents were uploaded on this screen.  When entering an event you will be able to View the actual document. You will need to either select your dog's name from the "Registered Name of Dog" list box, or if it is not in the list, type in the dog's registered name.  Please be sure that your documents meet the following requirements.

•  Attached files must have an extension of .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, or .png (.pdf files are preferred)
•  Maximum file size is 10,000,000 KB
•  Each file must have a unique name
•  If a document, like a pedigree, has multiple separate pages, and they are not merged into a single .pdf file, please upload them each as a separate document
•  Enter your email address, so we know who uploaded the document
•  Click on "Browse" to select the file to submit, and then click "Submit" to complete the submission

  (Type in the name of your dog, if there are any matches they will be displayed in a list.  If your dog is in the list, click on the dog's name to select your dog.  YOU MUST THEN Press the Enter Key, on your keyboard or Go button on your phone, after typing or selecting a dogs' name to check to see if there are any documents already submitted.)
Registered Name of Dog:
  Existing Documents for:
If the Dog you Selected does not have any Documents and you Need to Submit New or Updated Documents, complete the Section Below to Submit Them.
Select Document Type to Submit:
Enter Email Address:
  File Upload Progress
  After submitting documents you can click the button below to update the Existing Document list above...
  2216 Visits