Repeat Survey
Date: Oct-17-2015
Location: Detmold - LG07 - Ostwestfalen-Lippe  Germany
Judge: Hans-Ludger Göke
Determinations on day of Repeat survey
Changes: IPO3 
Height at withers: 0.00 cm
Chest depth: 0.00 cm
Chest circumference: 0.00 cm
Weight: 0.00 kg

New Survey
Date: Jun-08-2013
Location: Kirchlengern - LG07 - Ostwestfalen-Lippe  Germany
Judge: Hans-Ludger Göke
I. General
Height at withers: 65.00 cm
Chest depth: 29.00 cm
Chest circumference: 87.00 cm
Weight: 37.00 kg
Pigment: plenty
Coat: stock coat
Testicles: well developed
II. Evaluation of general condition, size, structure, firmness of ligaments, gait, drives, self confidence and loadability (TSB)
Overall assessment:
Typey and expressive, very well pigmented, large, powerful and substantial, in good proportion built male. Strong head, distinctive mask, high Withers, straight, firm back, good coup position and length, very good Angulations, balanced chest proportions, straight front and step sequence, space-taking, powerful gaits with effective supply and free step forward. Secure character, TSB pronounced.
III. Temperament, nerves, gun sureness, drives, self confidence, loadability (TSB)
Temperament: firm
Alert, Attentive: present
Nerves: firm
Impartiality: present
Gun sureness: present
TSB: pronounced
IV. Evaluation in stand and motion
Secondary sex characteristics: pronounced
Constitution: strong
Expression: lively
Structural characteristics: normal proportions; substantial
Bones: strong
Muscles: strong
Firmness of ligaments, front: very good
Firmness of ligaments, rear: very good
Back: firm
Elbow alignment: good
Firmness of pasterns: good
Front: straight
Croup: normal length; normal lay
Firmness of hocks: good
Gait: front straight gait; rear straight gait
Length of stride - front reach: very good
Length of stride - rear drive: very effective
Nails: dark
Paws: front round, tight; rear round, tight
Head: strong
Color of eyes: dark
Upper jaw: strong
Lower jaw: strong
Dentition: healthy; strong; without gaps; scissors bite
Dentition faults:
V. Special qualities/faults (to supplement overall assessment)
Expressive overall appearance with very good anatomical structure and movement pattern.
VI. Advice for breeding (Recommendations - Warnings)